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237 Clipchamp Standard. P1M-M: 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0N8SS-0007-P1M-M $3.60 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. Microsoft Clipchamp for work accounts enables rapid editing and creation of videos on OneDrive and SharePoint including features like trim, join, transitions, filters, text overlay, audio controls, screen/camera recording and more.
265 Clipchamp Standard. P1Y-A: 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. CFQ7TTC0N8SS-0007-P1Y-A $36.00 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. Microsoft Clipchamp for work accounts enables rapid editing and creation of videos on OneDrive and SharePoint including features like trim, join, transitions, filters, text overlay, audio controls, screen/camera recording and more.
267 Clipchamp Standard. P1Y-M: 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0N8SS-0007-P1Y-M $3.00 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. Microsoft Clipchamp for work accounts enables rapid editing and creation of videos on OneDrive and SharePoint including features like trim, join, transitions, filters, text overlay, audio controls, screen/camera recording and more. ($36.00 per year)