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172 Power Automate per process (Educational Faculty Pricing). P1M-M: 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0MFT9-000D-P1M-M $36.00 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. License to a single ‘automation’ bot that can be used for unattended desktop automation (unattended RPA), or digital process automation flows that need to be accessed by multiple users in the organization
145 Power Automate per process (Educational Faculty Pricing). P1Y-A: 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. CFQ7TTC0MFT9-000D-P1Y-A $360.00 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. License to a single ‘automation’ bot that can be used for unattended desktop automation (unattended RPA), or digital process automation flows that need to be accessed by multiple users in the organization
144 Power Automate per process (Educational Faculty Pricing). P1Y-M: 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0MFT9-000D-P1Y-M $30.00 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. License to a single ‘automation’ bot that can be used for unattended desktop automation (unattended RPA), or digital process automation flows that need to be accessed by multiple users in the organization ($360.00 per year)