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197 Power Automate per flow plan (Education Faculty Pricing). P1M-M: 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0LH13-000C-P1M-M $66.00 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. Power Automate reserved capacity serves users across your department/organization with workflow automation for a single process. Each subscription includes Power Automate capacity dedicated to one specific flow.
207 Power Automate per flow plan (Education Faculty Pricing). P1Y-A: 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. CFQ7TTC0LH13-000C-P1Y-A $660.00 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. Power Automate reserved capacity serves users across your department/organization with workflow automation for a single process. Each subscription includes Power Automate capacity dedicated to one specific flow.
223 Power Automate per flow plan (Education Faculty Pricing). P1Y-M: 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0LH13-000C-P1Y-M $55.00 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. Power Automate reserved capacity serves users across your department/organization with workflow automation for a single process. Each subscription includes Power Automate capacity dedicated to one specific flow. ($660.00 per year)