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147 Dynamics 365 Call Intelligence Minutes Add-on (Education Student Pricing). P1M-M: 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0J7C5-0002-P1M-M $7.20 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
154 Dynamics 365 Call Intelligence Minutes Add-on (Education Student Pricing). P1Y-A: 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. CFQ7TTC0J7C5-0002-P1Y-A $72.00 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
149 Dynamics 365 Call Intelligence Minutes Add-on (Education Student Pricing). P1Y-M: 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0J7C5-0002-P1Y-M $6.00 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again. ($72.00 per year)