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149 Teams Phone with Calling Plan (country zone 1 - US) (Education Student Pricing). P1M-M: 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0HL73-000P-P1M-M $12.36 1 Month Commitment, Monthly payment. A cloud-based calling solution that enables users to make and receive PSTN calls in Microsoft Teams. It includes a phone system and domestic calling plan.
135 Teams Phone with Calling Plan (country zone 1 - US) (Education Student Pricing). P1Y-A: 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. CFQ7TTC0HL73-000P-P1Y-A $123.60 1 Year Commitment, Annual payment. A cloud-based calling solution that enables users to make and receive PSTN calls in Microsoft Teams. It includes a phone system and domestic calling plan.
136 Teams Phone with Calling Plan (country zone 1 - US) (Education Student Pricing). P1Y-M: 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. CFQ7TTC0HL73-000P-P1Y-M $10.30 1 Year Commitment, Monthly payment. A cloud-based calling solution that enables users to make and receive PSTN calls in Microsoft Teams. It includes a phone system and domestic calling plan. ($123.60 per year)