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    SharePoint Sites and Portals

    #sharepoint online

    Microsoft 365 Communication sites allow companies to share their news with everyone by supporting broadcasting a message, telling a story, or disseminating content to a corporate audience. By means of SharePoint hub sites, companies can consolidate, prioritize, and share information across multiple sites.

    Hub Sites

    SharePoint hub sites combine sites together and create a total and consistent description of a project, department, or area. All the sites share common branding, theming, and navigation. You can add numerous features, such as News, Events, PowerPoint, and third-party tools. Modular web parts make customizing the hub site easy. Adding web parts and customizing them allows organizations to plan the site to suit their needs and set it up as their own.

    Employees receive the most recent news right in their SharePoint in Microsoft 365 or SharePoint mobile app. The news from "organizational news source" sites will appear right at the top of one's view. The unique hub provides extra capacities, such as attaching the newest items, an updated layout, and ongoing support. It is not necessary to create multiple audience-specific sites for each person in a company if you configure what can be visible to specific groups.

    Audience targeting allows a company to determine those best to reach with content experiences. It is easy to deliver a more personalized news experience by setting what is recommended for the current user.

    Scoped search allows visitors to focus on finding content most relevant to their current work. Search results are confined to the hub site, keeping searches relevant to the content and activities within the hub.

    Navigation across the hub site is simple and it enables visitors to navigate to the related sites, such as Brand, Executive Corner, and Operations.

    Communication sites

    Communication sites are compelling, dynamic sites that communicate messages to a broad audience. With common navigation and a consistent look and feel, associated sites provide visitors with an easy-to-learn experience. For example, they can quickly browse from site to site without needing to familiarize themselves with different site layouts.

    With the Stream site, visitors can experience a complete video viewing without leaving SharePoint. Microsoft Stream videos are easily embedded and play right in the web part, which provides a rich playback experience of a single video or an entire channel, including the capability to attach closed captions. It is easy to look for a certain keyword in the transcript and then skip directly to that part of the video.

    Yammer allows site visitors to engage, ask questions, get opinions, and publish links to content. The SharePoint mobile app displays hub sites, communication sites, their pages, web parts, news, and content with smooth navigation between associated sites.

    Create organization news

    Microsoft 365 allows access to many different sites, Teams, hubs, communications, and news sources, and enables creating and publishing items right from a company news site. When building a News article and sending an email message to the team, you can include images in the banner and in the body of the article, and even Stream videos. And finally, it is possible to use Office content, such as a Word document, a PowerPoint slide deck, or an image like a 3D picture, which renders directly on the web page.

    Once published, organization news articles display with a badge, such as the SharePoint home page. Companies can have multiple organization news sites. The SharePoint admin uses PowerShell to set up each site as a source of authoritative information for the organization, and then delegates to a site owner who manages the site and its content.

    SharePoint communication sites are the ideal solution to broadcast a message, tell a story, share content for viewing, or highlight capabilities or people. SharePoint hub sites take the challenge out of finding just the information visitors need. Hub sites connect communication sites and modern team sites for consistent navigation and themes, shared resources, increased team visibility, and scoped search.


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