IT Partner/ Blog/ AAD Applications registrations/thirds party services integration tenant-to-tenant migration

    AAD Applications registrations/thirds party services integration tenant-to-tenant migration

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    AAD Applications registrations/thirds party services integration tenant-to-tenant migration refers to the process of moving Azure AD tenants from one Azure AD directory to another. This could be necessary in scenarios such as mergers, acquisitions, or organizational restructuring where multiple Azure AD tenants need to be consolidated into a single tenant.

    This article is part of a series. Check out our full Microsoft 365 tenant-to-tenant migration Guide


    AAD (Azure Active Directory) Applications registrations refer to the process of registering applications in Azure Active Directory. When you register an application, you create an identity for it in Azure AD and configure various settings, such as permissions and authentication methods. This allows the application to authenticate and access resources within the Azure AD tenant.

    Third-party services integration refers to the integration of external services or applications with Azure Active Directory. Azure AD supports various protocols and standards such as OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and SAML, which allow you to integrate with a wide range of third-party services and applications. This integration enables features such as single sign-on (SSO) and user provisioning between Azure AD and the third-party service.

    AD Applications registrations/thirds party services integration tenant-to-tenant migration involves transferring users, groups, applications, and other directory objects from one tenant to another while ensuring minimal disruption to the users and their access to resources. In the context of AAD Applications registrations and third-party services integration, tenant-to-tenant migration may involve migrating application registrations and integrations from one Azure AD tenant to another. This migration ensures that the applications and integrations continue to function seamlessly in the new tenant, preserving access controls, permissions, and user experiences.


    The prerequisites for AAD Applications registrations, third-party services integration, and tenant-to-tenant migration in Azure Active Directory can vary depending on the specific requirements of your migration scenario. However, here are some common prerequisites to consider:

    1. You should have the source and target Azure AD tenants established before initiating the migration. Each tenant should have an Azure AD subscription and the necessary administrative access.
    2. You need to have the Global Administrator role assigned in both the source and target tenants to perform the necessary configuration and migration tasks.
    3. Collect the necessary information about the applications registered in the source tenant, including their client IDs, redirect URIs, and authentication configurations. This information will be needed to recreate the application registrations in the target tenant.

    Migration process

    Step 1. Assess the existing environment

    Evaluate the applications and third-party services that are currently integrated with your AAD tenant. Identify the dependencies, configurations, and customizations associated with each application.

    Step 2. Provision the target tenant

    Create a new AAD tenant that will serve as the target environment for the migration. This involves setting up the necessary configurations, security settings, and user accounts in the new tenant.

    Step 3. Migrate user accounts

    Transfer user accounts from the source tenant to the target tenant. This can be done using various methods, such as directory synchronization tools like Azure AD Connect or third-party migration tools. Ensure that user attributes, group memberships, and permissions are accurately migrated.

    Step 4. Reconfigure applications and reintegrate third-party services

    Review the list of applications integrated with the source tenant and update their configurations to point to the new target tenant. This may involve updating redirect URIs, client IDs, API permissions, and authentication settings for each application. For third-party services that are integrated with AAD, update the configurations to establish connections with the target tenant. This may involve updating API keys, authentication tokens, webhooks, or any other integration settings.

    Step 5. Test application and service integrations

    Once the configurations are updated, it is necessary to thoroughly test the integrations between applications and third-party services and verify that authentication, authorization, and data flows are functioning correctly in the new tenant.

    Step 6. Cut over to the target tenant

    Once the testing has been completed and the migration is communicated, it is important to schedule a cut-over time to switch users and services to the new target tenant. This may involve reconfiguring DNS settings, updating application URLs, and redirecting user traffic to the new environment.

    Challenges and common issues

    During an Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant-to-tenant migration, there can be various challenges and common issues related to applications registrations and third-party services integration. Here are some of the challenges you may encounter:

    Loss of configuration and customizations. Migrating applications and services to a new tenant can result in the loss of configuration settings and customizations associated with those applications. It's crucial to document and recreate the necessary configurations in the target tenant.

    Application compatibility. Some applications may have dependencies on specific user attributes or group memberships that are not directly transferable to the new tenant. Ensuring application compatibility in the target tenant may require modifying or adapting the applications to work with the new environment.

    Differences in authentication mechanisms. The target tenant may have different authentication mechanisms or security requirements compared to the source tenant. This can lead to challenges in updating the authentication settings for applications and integrating them with the new authentication mechanisms.

    API permission mismatches. If the target tenant has a different set of API permissions or scopes compared to the source tenant, it may result in issues with accessing APIs or services. You may need to review and update the API permissions for applications in the target tenant.

    Service disruption. During the migration, there is a risk of service disruption or downtime for users if the applications or services are not correctly configured or tested in the new tenant. It's important to plan for minimal disruption and communicate any potential downtime to users in advance.

    Dependencies on on-premises infrastructure. If your existing applications or services have dependencies on on-premises infrastructure or legacy systems, migrating them to a new tenant may require additional considerations and potentially updating the integration approach.

    Data migration and synchronization. If the applications or services store user data or configurations, ensuring proper data migration and synchronization between the source and target tenants can be challenging. It's important to plan and execute a data migration strategy to avoid data loss or inconsistencies.

    To mitigate these challenges and common issues, it's recommended to thoroughly assess the dependencies, configurations, and customizations of your applications and services prior to the migration. Develop a detailed migration plan, conduct extensive testing, and engage with a Microsoft partner for any specific guidance or support they can offer during the migration process.

    Learn more about other types of services that almost always require data migration:


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